Our lawyers are accredited and knowledgeable not only regionally but also internationally.
The principle of confidentiality, which is one of the fundamentals of law, is always at utmost importance for us.
We support our knowledge with our experience, and we always find optimum solutions for you.
İstanbul, Köln, Stuttgart,
Madrid, Teheran...
Eskicioğlu Law Firm 2016 yılında İstanbul’da kurulmuş olup Köln, Stuttgart, Madrid ve Tahran’da ortaklıkları bulunan, hukukun pek çok dalında yerel ve uluslararası müvekkillere hizmet veren ve dava, danışmanlık hizmeti sunan uluslararası bir hukuk bürosudur.
Languages that we provide our expertise in
- Turkish
- English
- German
- French
- Arabic
- Persian
Law of Foreigners
Labor Law
Commercial Law
Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law
Case Percentages
As a result of our expertise in specific fields, some files that cannot be resolved easily by everyone are resolved efficiently by our office. Our success rates according to the legal fields we are mainly interested in are shown in the table.
A great partner. We are thankful for your detailed and fast process.

Our Attorneys

Attorney Sevil Eskicioğlu
Our References

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Our Articles

- 30 June 2022
- Eherecht

- 13 June 2022
- Forderungsbeitreibung
Forderungsbeitreibung in der Türkei durch Einleitung eines Mahn-und Vollstreckungsverfahrens

- 26 March 2022
- Eherecht
Scheidungsgrund: Ehebruch
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